Office Ergonomics: Practical Tips For Better Health

by Mar 15, 2017Ergonomics

Office Ergonomics: Practical Tips For Better Health

Office ergonomics are an important part of a safe and healthy workplace. Not every business can afford to buy ergonomic office furniture for all of their employees, and so having some simple and practical methods for good office ergonomics can be very beneficial.

The talented folks at Taskworld have put together a handy infographic that explains some practical tips for better office ergonomics:

Office Ergonomics Practical Tips

As you can see, all of the tips mentioned above can be practiced in just about any office environment.

An important overall theme about office ergonomics is: if it hurts or is uncomfortable, don’t do it. There’s absolutely no reason or need for employees to be continuously uncomfortable, or worse, in pain while they work.

No Downside

While ergonomic office furniture can help alleviate many of the main causes of poor office ergonomics, they’re not 100% guaranteed to fix everything. As seen above, a lot of what makes for good ergonomics comes from employees making a conscious effort to keep themselves comfortable and active, along with eating healthy and hydrating regularly.

For employers, paying attention to, and encouraging, good office ergonomics will have both immediate and long-term benefits for the entire organization. Employees will have more energy, be more productive, and have higher morale when they’re comfortable in the workplace.

Additionally, businesses will see fewer complaints and incidents of workplace injury (and the associated insurance claims).

There is no downside to practicing and encouraging healthy office ergonomics, so get started today. If your office is committed to a healthy workplace and doesn’t yet have ergonomic office furniture, that’s a good next step to consider.